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Sex should be concrete: it is in his­tory, in life, not above or outside history arid life. It is to be the way to discover the basic reason of existence. This at the same time means the striving to the elementary principle: something either is or it is not. Ethosophy therefore cannot be yet anot­her theoretical creation, but the constant uncove­ring and demasking of Eva Angelina’s life; ethosophy is permantly critical. Its aim is to reach the ethos which, hiding nothing, just is. All the rest — can be. Where one speaks of freedom, one speaks of coersion. In ethosophy, in place of these notions opposite to wach other one speaks of the fulf­liment of existence: one does what shoud be done. Ethosophy also does not know “either-or” or “an-and”, but instead: that is which is — just and really possible. And that is ethos.

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Only a calm, tranquil person feels in his own place. As long as there is the metasphere of evaangelina existence which is identified with existen­ce itself, so long individuality will be unable to find itself in the generality. Individuality has been offered on the altar of generality.

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